Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Just Happened?

What a whirl-wind of a weekend! It all began Saturday morning when I picked up my friend Ellen from the airport. She came in town for a fun-filled weekend in Nashville, and to attend the CMT Awards Monday night.

We went straight from the airport to her favorite restaurant in Nashville, The Puffy Muffin. We have a joke that every time she comes in town, everything goes our way. Nashville did not let us down when we received a full box of the most delicious cookies for the price of one. The lady there at the Puffy Muffin thought it was necessary that we try them all. After a full stomach of cookies, ginger tea and chicken salad I went to work for the rest of the afternoon and Ellen took a nap back at the condo. That evening, we went out to my Aunt Sharon's and watched SNL, and I took a bubble bath in my Aunt's Jacuzzi tub. It was very relaxing and just what I needed.

Sunday morning, we met some friends at 4th Avenue Church out in Franklin. The preacher gave a wonderful sermon about how important community is and how we are all a part of the same body in Christ. He talked about how we all have our own gifts and talents, and that we should love each other as we love ourselves because we are all apart of that same body. I thought it was such a great message, and it reminded me how much I need to appreciate my christian friends. After church we headed to Puckett's for a great lunch, and then we enjoyed pedicures, some time at the book store, and some leisurely shopping around the Hill Center. Sunday night, we picked up my friend Liz and all headed back out to Sharon's for movies and pizza.

Monday, we started out by going to the Pancake Pantry and then I took Ellen to see where I work at CMT. She was totally impressed considering she is a huge country fan, and watches CMT all the time. We met up with my cousin and his friends for lunch that afternoon, and then started getting ready for the CMT Awards! My sweet friend Hannah escorted her to the awards show because I couldn't go. I borrowed the greatest coat from one of my friends which thank goodness was not only stylish, but very warm. It was freezing outside the night of the Post Party, but my adrenaline also kept me pretty warm.

I knew that I was going to be "a clicker" which entails clicking a device every time someone walks into the venue. However, I did not know that I would be clicking right next to the red carpet at the VIP entrance. I got there at 9, and by the time I left at midnight I felt as if I had just had an out of body experience. I was standing there inside of the velvet rope, next to five security guys, headset on and being passed by all of the biggest stars in county music. What a dream. At one point, I took a bathroom break and went inside the party. As I walked through the crowds of executives and celebrities, I had an overwhelming feeling of "What am I doing here?! This is insane." It was insane in a good way though. I will never forget the experience, and I am so thankful that God opened the doors for me to have these awesome experiences.

This morning at CMT, I shadowed the girl who interned in Production this Spring. I got to sit in the control room, and watch a live 330 session. It was amazing, and I am so excited about this summer. As you can probably tell, this weekend was a little exhausting and I am still recovering. I love Nashville!

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